TL;DR: This article covers the fundamentals of date and time functions in spreadsheets for beginners, including how to create, manipulate, and analyze date and time values. Key date and time functions, such as TODAY, DATE, YEAR, MONTH, DAY, EDATE, EOMONTH, NOW, TIME, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND, DATEDIF, and NETWORKDAYS, are explained, along with practical examples and instructions. Additionally, the article discusses how to perform date and time calculations and format date and time values. With this comprehensive guide, beginners will be well-equipped to master date and time functions in their spreadsheets.

Managing dates and times is a common requirement in spreadsheets, whether it's for project deadlines, event schedules, or financial reporting. Spreadsheet applications, such as Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets, offer a wide range of date and time functions to help you manipulate, format, and perform calculations with date and time values. In this article, we'll cover the fundamentals of date and time functions for beginners, providing clear instructions and practical examples to help you master this essential skill.

Understanding Date and Time Values

Before diving into the functions, it's important to understand how spreadsheets represent and store date and time values. In most spreadsheet applications, dates are stored as serial numbers, with each whole number representing a unique day. Time values are stored as decimal fractions, with each fraction representing a specific time of day. This system allows you to perform calculations and comparisons using date and time values just as you would with other numeric values.

Date Functions: The Building Blocks

Spreadsheet applications offer a variety of date functions to help you create, manipulate, and analyze date values. Some of the most commonly used date functions include:

  1. TODAY: This function returns the current date. To use it, simply enter "=TODAY()" in a cell. The date will update automatically each time the spreadsheet is opened or recalculated.

  2. DATE: This function creates a date value based on specified year, month, and day values. The syntax for the DATE function is "=DATE(year, month, day)". For example, to create a date value for July 15, 2023, enter "=DATE(2023, 7, 15)".

  3. YEAR, MONTH, and DAY: These functions extract the year, month, or day value from a given date, respectively. For example, if cell A1 contains the date "7/15/2023", the functions "=YEAR(A1)", "=MONTH(A1)", and "=DAY(A1)" would return 2023, 7, and 15, respectively.

  4. EDATE and EOMONTH: These functions return a date value after adding or subtracting a specified number of months from a given date. EDATE adds or subtracts whole months, while EOMONTH returns the last day of the month after adding or subtracting months. The syntax for these functions is "=EDATE(start_date, months)" and "=EOMONTH(start_date, months)", respectively.

Time Functions: Ticking Away

Like date functions, time functions allow you to create, manipulate, and analyze time values. Some commonly used time functions include:

  1. NOW: This function returns the current date and time. To use it, simply enter "=NOW()" in a cell. The date and time will update automatically each time the spreadsheet is opened or recalculated.

  2. TIME: This function creates a time value based on specified hour, minute, and second values. The syntax for the TIME function is "=TIME(hour, minute, second)". For example, to create a time value for 3:45 PM, enter "=TIME(15, 45, 0)".

  3. HOUR, MINUTE, and SECOND: These functions extract the hour, minute, or second value from a given time, respectively. For example, if cell A1 contains the time "15:45:00", the functions "=HOUR(A1)", "=MINUTE(A1)", and "=SECOND(A1)" would return 15, 45, and 0, respectively.

Date and Time Calculations: Doing the Math

With an understanding of date and time functions, you can perform various calculations, such as finding the difference between two dates or calculating the duration of an event. Here are some examples of date and time calculations:

  1. DATEDIF: This function calculates the difference between two dates in terms of years, months, or days. The syntax for the DATEDIF function is "=DATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)", where the "unit" can be "Y" for years, "M" for months, or "D" for days. For example, to calculate the number of days between the dates in cells A1 and B1, you would use the formula "=DATEDIF(A1, B1, "D")".

  2. NETWORKDAYS: This function calculates the number of working days between two dates, excluding weekends and optionally specified holidays. The syntax for the NETWORKDAYS function is "=NETWORKDAYS(start_date, end_date, [holidays])", where "[holidays]" is an optional range of cells containing holiday dates. For example, to calculate the number of working days between the dates in cells A1 and B1, excluding holidays in the range C1:C10, you would use the formula "=NETWORKDAYS(A1, B1, C1:C10)".

  3. Calculating duration: To calculate the duration between two times, you can simply subtract the start time from the end time. For example, if cell A1 contains the start time "9:00 AM" and cell B1 contains the end time "5:00 PM", the formula "=B1-A1" would return the duration "8:00:00". To convert this duration to a decimal number representing hours, you can multiply the duration by 24, like this: "=(B1-A1)*24".

Formatting Dates and Times

Once you've created and manipulated date and time values, you may want to format them to display in a specific way. Spreadsheet applications offer various formatting options for date and time values, such as changing the order of year, month, and day or displaying time values in 12-hour or 24-hour format. To format a cell containing a date or time value, right-click the cell, select "Format Cells" or a similar option, and choose the desired date or time format from the available options.


Mastering date and time functions is a crucial skill for spreadsheet users, as it allows you to efficiently manage and analyze date and time values in various scenarios. This article provides an introduction to the key date and time functions, along with practical examples and instructions, to help beginners become proficient in managing dates and times in their spreadsheets. With continued practice and experimentation, you'll soon discover the full potential of these powerful tools and their invaluable contributions to your spreadsheet projects.

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